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Breast Cancer
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Endocrine therapy (ET) has changed the natural history of hormone receptor-positive (HR+) breast cancer (BC) and is the cornerstone of the treatment of HR+ BC. There are several ETs approved for the treatment of BC, including selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs; tamoxifen), aromatase inhibitors (AIs; anastrazole, letrozole and exemestane) and selective oestrogen receptor degraders (SERDs; fulvestrant […]

Corey Cutler, ASH 2019: Evolving Treatment for Patients with GvHD

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Published Online: Dec 18th 2019

At the 61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, Corey Cutler, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, discusses his presentation: The Evolving Treatment Landscape for Patients with GvHD: More Options, More Decisions, Better Outcomes!


1. What are the major challenges in the treatment of patients with graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)? (0:05)

2. How have recent advances in understanding of the biology of GvHD impacted on patient management? (0:45)

3. What do you consider the most important emerging therapies for GvHD? (1:22)

4. What do healthcare professionals need to know in terms of monitoring and appropriate management of treatment-related adverse events? (1:54)

5. What other key messages of this symposium would you like to highlight? (2:33)


Corey Cutler has no conflicts of interest to declare in relation to this video.

Filmed at the 61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition 2019, Orlando, FL, USA.



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