
Hear from some of the leading experts in their field about why they value touchONCOLOGY as an independent medical education resource.



To me European Oncology & Haematology looks perfect – both in content and aesthetics. I was very delighted to find my paper there. Thanks for everything; it really was a great pleasure for me.

Sonata Saulyte Trakymiene

Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist

European Oncology & Haematology’s website has an appealing appearance – colorful, simple, with all the necessary information and links easily available. I had a look at the articles on hemophilia, and think they are very good. It was great to have a chance to work with you.

Alfonso Iorio

Associate Professor

The contents and aesthetics of European Oncology & Haematology are very good and together with impressive well selected papers this journal will be of great interest to the community. I am looking forward to further collaboration

Rainald Knecht

Professor and Chairman

My colleagues and I have had a look at the latest edition of European Oncology & Haematology, and I have to say that we are all so pleased with the result. In my opinion, the electronic format of the publication is quite friendly, so that navigating through it is not only easy but also efficient. I would like to thank you and your team once again for all the help and assistance provided.

Raquel Cano Alonso

General Radiologist

I took a look at European Oncology & Haematology and was impressed. Great work!

Pagona Lagiou

Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Associate Professor of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Athens Medical School and Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Karolinska Institute

European Oncology & Haematology is a nice journal, which combines high-level scientific content with great presentation. Congratulations on your journal

Loris Ceron


ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation represents and serves the interests of over 50,000 professionals in oncology through its 24 Member Organisations. Our media relationship with Touch Oncology provides added-value by helping us to extend our outreach to a wider audience, through both print and digital media. TB’s highly professional and supportive staff work hard to understand our communication objectives and tailor the service provided accordingly. It is always a pleasure to work with them and our relationship continues to grow.

Catherine Shiels, Executive MBA

Communication & Marketing Manager

Very well done and exciting. Congratulations.

Emili Montserrat

Professor of Medicine and Director

Thank you for sending me Oncology & Hematology Review. The latest volume is very nicely presented and the articles informative. Congratulations on a fine piece of work.

David Green

Emeritus Professor of Medicine

I just received the copy of Oncology & Hematology Review in the mail – it looks great!

Erin R King

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Great job on Oncology & Hematology Review. The format is well-organized and aesthetically very pleasing. The topics are clinically relevant and their information comprehensive yet concise and easy to understand. I see your journal as an excellent resource for the busy oncology specialist who wishes to stay currently, completely, and accurately informed about all areas of cancer care. My team and I would be happy to write other articles for you in the future.

Daniel C Allison

Assistant Director and Attending Surgeon

I viewed Oncology & Hematology Review. It was very well done.

Mellar P Davis

Professor of Medicine

Thank you for sending me the copy of Oncology & Hematology Review. I really like the lay out and the presentation. It was a pleasure to contribute to the journal.

Suresh S Ramalingam

Associate Professor, and Director of Medical Oncology

Thank you for sending a copy of US Hematology. The articles are very informative, and I believe that both the content and the presentation and graphics are very appealing.

Guy A Zimmerman

Professor of Internal Medicine, Associate Chair

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