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Breast Cancer
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Endocrine therapy (ET) has changed the natural history of hormone receptor-positive (HR+) breast cancer (BC) and is the cornerstone of the treatment of HR+ BC. There are several ETs approved for the treatment of BC, including selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs; tamoxifen), aromatase inhibitors (AIs; anastrazole, letrozole and exemestane) and selective oestrogen receptor degraders (SERDs; fulvestrant […]

Cornelis van Tilburg, ASCO 2019 – Larotrectinib in paediatric TRK fusion cancer

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Published Online: Jun 11th 2019

At the ASCO 2019 annual meeting, Cornelis van Tilburg discusses findings from recent studies investigating the efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in paediatric TRK fusion cancer patients (NCT02637687 and NCT02576431) and what this means for the future.


1.What percentage of paediatric tumours have tropomyosin receptor kinase (TRK) fusions and in what tumour types are they found? (0:04)
2. What were the findings of the study investigating the efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in paediatric patients with TRK fusion cancer? (0:39)
3. How durable are responses to larotrectinib? (1:31)
4. How much of a problem is acquired resistance to larotrectinib and how may this be overcome? (2:46)
5. What will be the next steps in the clinical development of TRK inhibitors? (3:55)

Speaker disclosure: Cornelis van Tilburg has participated in advisory boards for Bayer and Novartis.

Filmed at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2019 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

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