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Johan de Munter: PrEvCan | Take action to be a healthy body weight

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Published Online: Feb 20th 2023

As part of our ongoing support for the PrEvCan – Cancer Prevention Across Europe – campaign, we were delighted to speak with the President of the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS), Johan de Munter.

Initiated by EONS, and with ESMO as a key campaign partner, PrEvCan is based on the European Code Against Cancer (ECAC), which sets out 12 recommendations to reduce cancer burden. 

From October 2022, each month of the PrEvCan campaign is dedicated to one of the ECAC recommendations. In this interview, we focus on the months of December 2022 through to February 2023, which encompasses the ECAC recommendations around diet, weight and physical activity. We discuss the scientific evidence behind these recommendations and lifestyle advice all HCPs can use to share with their patients and the wider community to help reduce cancer risk. We also touch on the ‘Waistline Challenge’ an activity designed by EONS to motivate patients to take action to be a healthy body weight.


  1. What is the basis of the PrEvCan campaign? (0:21)
  2. Could you give us an outline of the ECAC recommendations 3-5, which cover diet and physical activity? (1:08)
  3. What is known about the relationship between body weight and cancer risk? (1:48)
  4. What evidence underlies the recommendations on diet and exercise? (2:16
  5. What specific advice would you give regarding physical activity? (2:40)
  6. What activities will take place to promote these recommendations? (3:20)

Disclosures: Johan de Munter has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Gina Furnival.

Additional resources:

Learn more about the PrEvCan campaign, and download toolkits and videos to help you spread the PrEvCan messages here:

Read the European Code Against Cancer – 12 ways to reduce your cancer risk

Related PrEvCan content

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